I felt that this image from the popular film The Notebook reinforces the ideology of romantic love. The two people in this image also the cover of the film's case are embracing obviously about to kiss. There is rain which leads one to believe that the two people do not care about inclement weather, but care about expressing their desire for each other. The male in this image is muscular and the female is slender. The male is muscular enough that he is able to lift the female in their embrace as well as the female of an ideal weight for such an activity.
The image does not necessarily portray objective truth. The dogma of romantic love is not always the truth otherwise there would not be divorce or separation. Romantic love as an ideal is not a commonality among all cultures. Also, the image reinforces an ideology of attractive people lovingly involved. People in love are not always attractive according to standards or fit the particular body images illustrated here. Of course the cover of a movie from a multi-billion dollar industry would find the necessity in the use pleasing images to generate profit. Thus, the bias is apparent when money is involved creating a bias.
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