Thursday, September 17, 2009

Romantic Love

I felt that this image from the popular film The Notebook reinforces the ideology of romantic love. The two people in this image also the cover of the film's case are embracing obviously about to kiss. There is rain which leads one to believe that the two people do not care about inclement weather, but care about expressing their desire for each other. The male in this image is muscular and the female is slender. The male is muscular enough that he is able to lift the female in their embrace as well as the female of an ideal weight for such an activity.
The image does not necessarily portray objective truth. The dogma of romantic love is not always the truth otherwise there would not be divorce or separation. Romantic love as an ideal is not a commonality among all cultures. Also, the image reinforces an ideology of attractive people lovingly involved. People in love are not always attractive according to standards or fit the particular body images illustrated here. Of course the cover of a movie from a multi-billion dollar industry would find the necessity in the use pleasing images to generate profit. Thus, the bias is apparent when money is involved creating a bias.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Wk 1 Blog post "strong news vs. 'weak' news"

From personal experience I am aware that as a species we are prone to displays of anger. What I find interesting are the intent and scale of the anger.

On my route to school today I heard the report on a local radio station about Serena William's behavior this past weekend at a tennis match. Unfortunately I am not well educated about the specifics of tennis. Regardless, in my opinion I feel that National news coverage of William's anti-social behavior should be deemed insignificant. Coverage on a National level of one person's rage can be comical, but not unusual. Perhaps because Williams is able to sustain a standard of living with her tennis career that most people are not fortunate enough to attain, then there is an allure to her life.

Here is a link to an online news report of the incident:,2933,549742,00.html

However, I was able to find an event covered in Jerusalem that I feel should be more highly demanded as News here in the United States. The news article illustrates the synthesis of hundreds of municiple workers who are upset about severe budget cuts to their municipalities and the lack of response to their concerns by Primeminister Binyamin Netanyahu. There are examples of displays of anger on a greater scale including shouting at Police officers and disrupting major local highways. I believe that covering a strike such as this displays the power of a group of people to oppose what they believe is unjust.

Here is a link to an online news report of the incident: